Celebrating Our 300th Chai Brew

Celebrating Our 300th Chai Brew

Dear Customers, 

Today we celebrated our 300th brew of Metolius Chai.  Our brews started in tiny seven gallon pots. PALATE Coffee, our first customer, enthusiastically believed that our Chai was the best in the American market, and helped us finalize the recipe through sharing direct customer feedback.  We've grown since then to share Chai-love coast to coast, and Chai has grown our company to 16 of the most darling, sweet, and kind hearted people you'll ever meet.  We are building a dream - a human-friendly work culture, an ethical supply chain, and a foundation for making positive social and environmental impacts locally and internationally. Chai has been our wings.  Thank you, each of you, for sharing our journey, for believing in us, for your grace if you noticed a rough moment or two over the years, and for supporting our dreams.
With love,
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